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Why the Top Schools Have a Strict Uniform Code?

Take any institution in the list of schools in Greater Noida West, almost all of them have school uniforms. And the best among them have strict codes that regulate the same, putting forth guidelines that elaborate specific acceptable details. Now, in an era where we are gradually including the global curriculum in our education system, we are still leaving out the world’s trend of not having uniforms in schools. The reasons behind this are solid. Research backs the benefits of having school uniforms. The top school thus maintains a strict uniform code and studies have shown that it improves school attendance, student confidence and overall participation.

School uniform promotes a sense of equality

The best play school in Greater Noida will have students from all socioeconomic backgrounds in its classrooms. And not having a uniform paves way for developing an atmosphere of socioeconomic inequality. All parents want their children to have the best of everything. They go beyond their limits to make their children feel happy and comfortable. Without uniforms, parents will naturally want their children to wear the best clothes to schools and the best of one student may not match the best of another. This will directly create an unnecessary distraction in the classrooms even when the intention behind was noble. School uniforms help keep things equal. Irrespective of the family’s socioeconomic background, everyone wears the same attire to school where education is imparted equally without discrimination.

School uniform also helps in maintaining discipline

Not too long ago, a student created an uproar in a US school when he wore a T-shirt mocking the then President with pictures of drugs and alcohol. We all know that such messages have no place in an institute of education. The US school had no uniform. They had dress codes but it was difficult to supervise and enforce. The student might not have flouted any rules intentionally but the incident again caused an unnecessary distraction in the school that challenged the institution’s discipline. School uniforms tell students indirectly what is acceptable within the campus. It leaves out all scopes of bringing in any wrong or inappropriate messages into the classrooms. Schools can implement discipline easily with uniforms and keep the focus on what is important – education.

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