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How to Make Kids Understand that Praises are ‘Earned’ and Don’t Simply Flow In

Praising your kids seems like such an easy and obvious part of parenting, isn’t it? After all, everyone loves to be told how amazing they are, and kids are no different. It makes the young ones so happy when we tell them how proud we are of them. However, it is important to remember in this regard that there is more on the line when it comes to praising than only boosting their self-esteem. At the end of the day, your aim is to shape your kids’ behavior, and the way you praise them has a major role to play in this aspect.

For children, praise is a reward in itself, and it acts as a way to let them learn the kind of behaviors that are acceptable, even from the earliest days. So, does that mean you should let the praises flow in at the kids at every single instance? Well, we, at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one among the top 10 CBSE schools in Delhi NCR, believe that it is indeed vital for the kids to understand that praises have to be earned and don’t always keep flowing without any specific reason. There’s something called overpraising, and that’s detrimental to kids in several ways. On that note, let us take a closer look at this matter today.

Children and praising: understanding the delicate balance

Since praising kids is so important, one would think that showering lavish praises to the kids every day would mean never having to worry about them not working hard. But that’s not quite the way things work. Though we have already mentioned the significance of praising children, it is also important to remember that if you aren’t careful about when and how you praise them, it can become too much of a good thing. For the words of praise to be truly effective, they need to be used judiciously and at the right time.

If the praises keep flowing in at the drop of a hat, they lose much of their power of encouragement and motivation. In fact, they might set up the kids for greater discouragement when they fail to live up to the high standards they have set for themselves.

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