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5 Ways to Enhance Your Child’s Engagement in the Learning Process

At times, learning might not be enough to implant knowledge in your child’s mind. But yes, encouraging him/her to get engaged with the process of learning might do the magic. What generally happens is when we talk about education, we often skip the importance of igniting the natural curiosity that every child is born with. Most of the time, the focus is laid on how much information a child receives for measuring his/her progress. However, we, at Yuvashakti Model School, one of the top schools in Rohini, Delhi, believe that ideally, it is the intensity of assimilation of the information provided to every child through the learning process that ultimately shapes the intellect of young minds. Hence, it is of more importance to enhance a child’s engagement in learning than just offering him/her a few pieces of information. Even if your child scores well but doesn’t feel attracted to absorption of any further knowledge just because that doesn’t make a part of their syllabus, it is time you look beyond the scorecards. By instilling the thirst for knowledge in your child, you can turn the kid into a dedicated learner who remains open to embracing every piece of knowledge he/she receives. At Yuvashakti Model School, we believe that knowledge is more than just textbook learning. After all, education serves its purpose only when children develop a keen interest in gaining knowledge regardless of what they are learning. And on that note, we have brought forth for you a few suggestions here to help evoke your child’s natural interest in learning. Understand, observe, and follow their interest Do you think if you would plant a mango tree in a dessert, it is going to survive? Surely not! It is a unanimously understood notion that different trees require different climatic conditions to grow. Similarly, every kid is unique and requires special and particular attention from you to bloom well. If you wish to draw your child’s attention to the learning process, get to know his/her interest at first. If your little one is fond of history, explain mathematics, starting with a short legend or anecdote associated with a simple mathematical revelation. For instance, while teaching decimals or operations of zero, let the child know about Aryabhatta before starting the lesson. Finding their area of interest in a subject they thought had no connection with history, your kids will simply regain their curiosity. Get to know about their strengths and weaknesses Knowing your child’s strengths and weaknesses is another critical aspect. If you would not know their limitations, you could not devise a solution befitting the situation as well. Therefore, get to know the areas that need more attention and orient the learning process accordingly. This endeavor will also make sure that your kid improves over time. And what can be a better inspiration for getting engaged with learning than progress itself? Introduce them to practical learning Take your children to the garden for learning science, let them swing to understand the motion of a pendulum, let them calculate the monthly grocery bill for practicing summation. Practical activities always engage and attract the kids more than theoretical lessons. Once they would learn to connect the learning with daily life activities, the engagement will develop automatically. Read More :

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