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The Significance of Teaching Emotional Literacy to Young Minds

When we think of children, the general image that comes to our mind is that of happy, joyous, and cheerful young individuals. In all fairness, there is nothing wrong with this image as this is exactly how we want to see our children.

However, we would be gravely mistaken if we only hold on to this idea and go ahead with the belief that the feeling of stress, anxiety, and worries do not affect the young minds as much as they do the adults. Emotional disruptions are as real for kids as they are for the adults, and it impacts different children in different ways. And this is where the idea of emotional literacy comes to the forefront.

Emotional literacy is the ability to recognize or read your own emotions as well as that of others. It is the ability to figure out what you and the others are feeling. And it is this ability that we, at DPS Sushant Lok, consider to be one of the most important aspects in the holistic development of children. So today, let’s look at why developing emotional literacy in children is vital for their overall growth and development.

Helps ensure a clear understanding of emotions

We, at DPS Sushant Lok, recognized among the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, have noted that most of the emotional outbursts and tantrums that kids often put up actually stem from the fact that it’s difficult for them to understand their feelings, let alone articulate them. Thus, all their frustrations, anxiety, and worries come off in the form of episodes of outbursts. But when the adults step ahead to help the kids differentiate between varied emotions, it turns out to be of great help for them and enables them to gain better control of their feelings.

Works as the first step towards developing feelings of empathy

When your kids can tune into what other people are feeling, you can be assured that they have already taken the first step towards developing empathy. In fact, educational psychologists believe that emotional literacy is strongly associated with kids who are nicer and happier. It is closely related to the idea of perspective-taking as it lets children put themselves in someone’s shoes and understand that person’s feelings.

Brings out an improvement in the communication skills of children

Being one of the foremost CBSE schools in Gurgaon, we, at DPS Sushant Lok, comprehend the fact that being in sync with one’s own emotions, as well as those of others, is the hallmark of a seasoned communicator. And effective communication ability is one of the crucial traits of an accomplished individual. This is why we, at our school, have always laid special emphasis on grooming emotional literacy in children, and it has proven to do wonders in improvising and strengthening the communication skills of our budding geniuses.

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