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The New Age Parenting Challenges & How to Deal with Them

Out of the multiple aspects of raising children that have changed from the previous generation to the present, the mannerism of disciplining the young minds has to be among the foremost. And, this is quite natural when you consider how different our children are from the times when we were at their age. They have greater exposure to the outside world, more ways to gather knowledge, and in fact, they are much more sensitive than we were as kids. As such, an amalgamation of all these factors has a clear impact on the modern methods of disciplining them and even on the challenges associated with those methods.

Physical punishments have long been deemed completely unacceptable because of their effects on the young psyche, and any form of harsh rebukes or scolding is advised against, as well. Child psychologists and experts today emphasize on being calm, gentle, and reformative with kids. But, does that mean the new-age disciplining methods are without any challenges? Also, how are parents expected to overcome these new challenges? We, at Yuvashakti Model School, recognized among the leading schools in Rohini Sector 3, have a few ideas to share in this regard.

The new technique of allowing greater freedom of choice

Modern discipline focuses on the true meaning of the word, i.e., to impart skills and knowledge, instead of control and punishment. After all, it is truly a great idea to let children choose the food they prefer eating or the activities they want to partake in. But, what happens when the kids don’t want to touch veggies ever or play computer games during bedtime?

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