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Practice Indeed Holds the Key to Success!

Ever wondered what makes Serene Williams so great? Or, Mozart and Bobby Fischer, for that matter? Well, you would say that it’s their exceptional talent in their field, and there is no denying the fact. However, would they have really become such stalwarts in their fields if they rested easy knowing that they have the talent? Certainly not, because even the finest talent needs to be appropriately molded to attain perfection through hard work and practice.

At Yuvashakti Model School, one among the top ten schools in Rohini, we believe ardent practice plays as much of an important role in helping kids acquire new skills as it does in honing their inherent abilities. And thus, be it any stage of life, practice is the one thing that holds the key to greater accomplishments and assured success. We are firm believers in the fact that with extended and intense practice, one can certainly develop extraordinary capacities and conquer the hardest hurdles. And on that note, we will discuss further in this article today the significance of practice and its role in driving young minds towards success.

Practice helps in overcoming their weaknesses

One of the foremost reasons for us to be such firm believers in the power of practice is that it helps children in overcoming their weaknesses. It can be a particularly difficult note in music or a hard problem sum in the math book, there is nothing that they can’t conquer with deliberate practice. As a matter of fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that with enough practice, one can even turn their weaknesses into their fortes.

The sustained growth in the confidence of the kids

As mentioned earlier, sustained practice to attain any goal aids in overcoming the flaws and setbacks along the way. And, the impact of this is felt directly on the growing confidence of the young fledglings by removing the clouds of doubt and uncertainty from the young minds. At Yuvashakti Model School, one of the top ten schools in Rohini, we have seen that with continued practice to be better at anything, the self-belief of the children is restored, and the results of it are evidently spelled with their successes.

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