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Mistakes Are Perfect Learning Opportunities

Updated: Jan 2, 2021

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new” – Albert Einstein

If there is one thing that all of us have in common, it’s the fact that we have all made mistakes and had errors of judgment at several points in life. In fact, keeping the major blunders aside, minor mistakes are almost part and parcel of daily life. However, things are a bit different when it comes to the mistakes made by our young ones. The problem with the mistakes made by the kids is that many times, the parents start feeling they are not doing a good job if they are unable to make the children do better. Thus, instead of taking mistakes as learning opportunities, kids are made to face fear and anxiety.

At Sapphire International School, ranked among the top 10 schools in Noida, we firmly believe learning from mistakes is one of many crucial life skills to be imbibed in the minds of our kids. Our honorable principal, Ms Rakhi Jain, has always believed in helping children identify their strengths. And, here’s outlining how mistakes can actually play a crucial role in ensuring that.

Mistakes are meant to be reflected and thought upon

Considering mistakes as shameful and humiliating makes an individual try to hide them or brush them aside. When slip-ups are brushed under the rug, they soon become distant memories, and, in due time, the same act is repeated again. Thus, we need to teach our children that mistakes are to be discussed and reflected upon, as it works as the key to not to repeat them in the future.

Effective strategizing begins from analyzing the errors

Let’s narrate a small incident here to understand how effective strategizing starts from the errors. When a reporter asked Thomas A. Edison, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” he replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”

In the same way, our kids need to learn that their mistakes prepare them to strategize better in order to attain success.

Growth mindset begins from addressing the mistakes

As one of the top 10 schools in Noida, we, at Sapphire, firmly focus on developing the growth mindset in children. Ms Jain, our respected principal, opines that growth mindset is basically about the belief that skills can be developed even if not inherent. And, mistakes are a crucial aspect of such a mindset because they help in unlocking greater learning prospects.

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