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Ensuring That Grades are Meaningful & Not Merely Figures is the True Meaning of Learning

Grades are like an inseparable part of the education system in more ways than one. We grade our students in the assessments and projects, the colleges and universities decide on their next batch of learners based on the grades, and even the recruiters pay attention to the grades to assess the candidates.

But how meaningful are those figures in reality that are assigned to the students in terms of grades? Can students’ efforts be truly quantified by such gradation? If not, then do the grades at all reveal the true goals of learning?

At DPS Kota, one of the most reputed schools in Kota, we strongly believe that the grades have to be insightful and perceptive to serve the real purpose of learning. Reducing grades to mere figures would amount to bringing the students down under the weight of achieving those glorious scores, and this would defeat the entire purpose of engaging children in the learning process.

With that being said, here’s exploring how grading meaningfully syncs with the true meaning of learning.

Meaningful grading as a way to reveal learning and mastery

The foremost way of ensuring that the grades are meaningful lies in confirming that they reflect student learning and mastery over a particular subject in the true sense. As such, the assessments only matter as long as they are able to reveal the learning and efforts that have gone into it.

At DPS Kota, we ensure that grades remain meaningful for our young fledglings by first assessing what we want our students to learn, and thereby implementing different strategies to enable the students to reveal their knowledge to us in the best way. We believe that only when the educational institutions start giving and considering grades from this perspective, it would become a measure of students’ progress instead of just a few figures on a report card.

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