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Coding & Computational Thinking – The “Must Have” New Age Skills for Kids

"Children Must be taught how to think not what to think.”– Margaret Mead

Gathering knowledge is a relentless process of exploring and discovering the surroundings. With time, the scope and extent of knowledge also change. With more innovations in place, children today get exposed to a higher set of skills and knowledge than ever. However, the process of this advancement has not come to a halt. Instead, its pace is getting even more accelerated with each passing day.

Several studies worldwide have already substantiated the enormous potential coding and computational thinking come powered with. With the prediction of having a more digitized and technology-driven world in the coming years, learning these skills has become imperative today. We, at Sapphire International School, regarded as the Best CBSE School in Noida, believe that keeping up with the surrounding and technological advancements hold the key to a successful future. Hence, in line with the NEP 2020, we have integrated an inclusive and comprehensive coding learning module into our regular curriculum to lend the young minds the edge of technology.

In fact, we are the first school in Noida to have introduced the coding curriculum for our young budding geniuses, and here we would like to share with you a few reasons why we believe coding is indeed essential for children today.

Better Future Opportunities

The job market has already taken a bend from its traditional path to pursue the road running through the technology-laden way. If children learn these skills today, they will grow up to be a perfect match for the working environment of the future world.

Along with the hard-core tech skills, what the future employers seek for in the candidates, would be computational thinking skills, which reflect upon the rational thinking, logical analysis, and step-by-step problem-solving capabilities of the candidates. Hence, starting off early on honing the coding and computational thinking skills in children would help to ensure that they grow capable of facing the challenges and shouldering the responsibilities that the future professional world is most likely to present them with. By the time they would be ready to join the workforce, all these qualities would get engraved in their brains. This is precisely what we, at the Sapphire International School, being one of the Best CBSE Schools in Noida, aim to deliver our students with, i.e., the ability to break down any challenge or problem into simpler steps to create effective solutions easily, effortlessly, and quickly.

More Choices In-hand

From education to healthcare, from IT to manufacturing, there is no industrial sector that has remained untouched by the boons of technology. As such, there’s no denying that the need for programming and computer skills has been gaining more and more weightage in the corporate world. Thus, children who learn to code today are more likely to have greater opportunities to join any industry of their choice in the times to come.

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